
Good evening Night Flight Fans. Tonight, get ready to experience a profile of John Cougar Mellencamp, a "nobody from Seymour, Indiana, who fought his way to the top of the rock heap and stayed ...Read More
Night Flight's 1988 video tribute to John Lennon includes "Instant Karma," "Stepping Out," "Living on borrowed time" and more, with introductions and back story from Pat Prescott
This two-hour 1990 broadcast features Julee Cruise’s performance for David Lynch's “Industrial Symphony No. 1,” a Night Flight original Twin Peaks parody called "Twin Geeks" and an interview wi...Read More
Seattle based avant garde and experimental musician K. Leimer.
“intertwined etymologies of spirit and breath” from RVNG Intl.'s Ka Baird.
Multi-instrumentalist producer Ka Baird is known for an experimental sound matched by raw, evocative live performances. Hungry Shells brings together Baird and the late pioneering composer Pekk...Read More
Actor, screenwriter and artist Karen Black cemented a place for herself in the New Hollywood movement of the 60s and 70s with starring turns in films like Easy Rider (1969) and Five Easy Pieces...Read More
Welcome to Night Flight’s exclusive Video Profile of Kate Bush. “This multimedia performance artist has combined dance, music, literature and mime on her way to becoming Britain’s most popular ...Read More
Minimal electronic abstraction and '80s Japanese-inspired pop from Kate NV.
Kate NV is the multifaceted solo persona of Moscow-based artist Kate Shilonosova. Her third album with RVNG Intl, WOW, offers listeners a prismatic shift in perspective and scale, a parallel di...Read More
King Khan and his 8-piece band The Shrines have toured the world spreading their hypersexual gospel through sensational psychedelic soul with a garage rock approach. Also one half of the group ...Read More
An unfamiliar voice welcomes us to the proceedings in this Night Flight Original episode: “Tonight, we introduce you to the men behind the masks with an exclusive interview as well as concert f...Read More
"You can have my husband, but please don't mess with my man!" In tonight's Night Flight original episode from 1983, we treated to a vivid (and mostly unseen) performance from Chicago Blues lege...Read More
Brooklyn-born and based experimentalist and multi-instrumentalist Taja Cheek, aka L’Rain’s, 2021 album Fatigue demands introspection from ready ears with an array of keyboards, synths, and haun...Read More
The current band of the Stereolab frontwoman, Laetitia Sadier Source Ensemble incorporates some of Sadier’s longest and closest collaborators, Emmanuel Mario, Nina Savary and Xavi Munoz.
French artist Laetitia Sadier, best known as a founder and lead vocalist of indie pop groups Stereolab and Monade , began releasing music as a solo artist with 2010’s The Trip, a tragic dream p...Read More
Classic Night Flight profile of avant-garde experimentalist Laurie Anderson. Featuring an incredibly candid interview with Anderson about her background and work.
Check out segments from our interview with the always classy Lemmy. Lemmy sat down with Night Flight host Al Bandiero in 1984 to talk about Motörhead's upcoming US tour, how he maintains his no...Read More
Born on the island of Crete and raised in Athens, Platonos was one of the pioneers in the Greek electronic music scene of the 1980s, and remains active today.
We were saddened to hear about Leslie West of Mountain passing away in late December of 2020. His Night Flight interview is an underrated gem of the library. A down to earth and spirited guest,...Read More