
The team encounters an old general who has been broken by Lord Dread's offensives.
Tank meets another man from the Babylon 5 genetic engineering facility and must confront him when civilian hostages are taken.
Hawk rescues a boy pursued by Dread's forces. The team is determined to discover more about the boy's origins, especially when the places he just left become contaminated by a mysterious illness.
Lord Dread commissions a blind artist prodigy to create portraits of his ideal world. Power tries to make her understand Lord Dread's deception, especially after Lord Dread threatens to kill her friends.
A Captain Power impostor is on the prowl, searching for human survivors for Soaron to digitize. It is up to the real Captain Power to shut him down and regain the humans' trust.
Captain Power obtains information about Charon, one element of Lord Dread's Project New Order, designed to produce a new fleet of Bio Dreads.
The Power Team traces strange transmissions to a place called Haven, where non-violence is a way of life. A closer look reveals that the citizens were coerced to work in another Project New Ord...Read More
A former Earth Forces soldier infiltrates the Power Base to present himself as an additional candidate for the Power Team. However, his brazenness and the risk of compromising the base angers the group.
Hawk tracks a mysterious band of humans and discovers their leader has a link to his past. Meanwhile, Scout and Tank investigate Project New Order, unaware that Dread is manipulating events.
Captain Power plugs into the "web" to learn more information about Project New Order. However, Lord Dread is aware of his online presence and tries to stop him.
Pilot uses her past in the BioDread Youth to infiltrate one of the BioDread Empire's medical laboratories to steal a vaccine. The mission is put at risk as she encounters another BioDread Youth...Read More
Tank goes berserk after he drinks water laced with a psychotic drug. Hawk is assigned to calm him down while the others trace the source of the drug.
Pilot and Power successfully fight off Soaron during a desert patrol, but Power's injuries prompt Pilot to leave him behind and seek medical help. A visit to a nearby town goes awry, as its res...Read More
Captain Power visits his father's grave, where he remembers the origins of the Metal Wars and his father's role in it. Lord Dread, who was once a close friend of Power's father, goes out to fin...Read More
Lord Dread's race to find Power triggers his own memories of the Metal Wars and how he and Power's father parted ways. The origins of Soaron are also revealed.
The Power Team head to Darktown to meet a courier from Eden II, a secret human refuge often derided as a myth. Determined to prove Eden II's existence, Power tries to coerce more information fr...Read More
The East Coast Resistance organizes a meeting of top rebel leaders with the Power Team's help. A traitor puts everything in jeopardy.
Realizing that Lord Dread has completed the Icarus and Prometheus phases of Project New Order, the Power Team assaults the Icarus command station in Volcania and reprogram the satellite to cras...Read More
Despite Soaron's best efforts to stop it, the Icarus satellite crashes into the main structure in Volcania causing extensive damage to the base, but deflector shields minimize the damage to the...Read More
Three weeks after the Power Team's disruption of Project New Order, Lord Dread launches a worldwide crackdown against all of humanity. The Soldiers of the Future combat Dread's troops at every ...Read More