Shorts by Vince Collins

Malice in Wonderland

The infamous reimagining of Alice in Wonderland by surrealist animator Vince Collins. Restored by Mark Toscano at the Academy® Film Archive. NOTE: This video contains flashing images. Viewer Discretion is advised.


"A soul-warming, patriotic-psychedelic tribute to America featuring animated baseballs and hot dogs!" -Tim Leary. Created by Vince Collins for the U. S. International Communication Agency (formerly know as the Information Agency) grant project - an attempt to liven up the otherwise banal and uneventful Bicentennial celebration. Restored by Mark Toscano at the Academ...Read More


"Consistent stylistic-thematic structures link and merge throughout the bewildering event chain. The distinction between organic forms and human artifacts is blurred by the visual style which is enigmatic without being ambiguous." - Anthony Reveaux. Animated by Vince Collins. Restored by Mark Toscano at the Academy® Film Archive. NOTE: This video contains flashing i...Read More


A star-driven spiraling machine of hallucinatory wonder. Animated by Vince Collins. Restored by Mark Toscano at the Academy® Film Archive. NOTE: This video contains flashing images. Viewer discretion is advised.


Animated by Vince Collins. Restored by Mark Toscano at the Academy® Film Archive. NOTE: This video contains flashing images. Viewer discretion is advised.


The first animation from Vince Collins, marrying both the simple and complex in a beautiful little animation that gives a window into what the man is capable of. Restored by Mark Toscano at the Academy® Film Archive. NOTE: This video contains flashing images. Viewer discretion is advised.

Life is Flashing Before Your Eyes

Animation by Vince Collins. Restored by Mark Toscano the Academy Film Archive. ”Cheery pop images and mellow lyrics" - Timothy Leary. NOTE: This video contains flashing images. Viewer discretion is advised.