Dick Tracy's G-Men

Nicholas Zarnoff, master spy and the most hated man on Earth, is sentenced to die in the gas chamber. By using a secret drug, which does not permit the gas to enter his lungs, Zarnoff cheats death and escapes. Dick Tracy, the government’s ace investigator, is assigned the task of tracking down Zarnoff and bringing him to justice. For 15 episodes Dick Tracy and Zarnoff battle it out on land, on sea and in the air. Jennifer Jones, seen at the outset of her distinguished career, plays Gwen, Dick Tracy’s loyal secretary.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 1 "The Master Spy"

Zarnoff attempts to destroy the industrial canal with a robot motor boat. Dick Tracy discovers the motorboat crew have been killed. Robal and his men try to capture Dick Tracy at Yarmo Cove. Steve helps Dick Tracy escape in their plane.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 2 "Captured"

Zarnoff has a stool pigeon executed to prevent his own betrayal to the F.B.I. Gwen traces the dead man’s fingerprint to the Zarnoff gang. Dick Tacy is outwitted by Zarnoff and made prisoner at the Pacific Canneries. Steve arrives at the cannery with reinforcements as Zarnoff is making a getaway.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 3 "The False Signal"

Zarnoff plans to wreck to yacht bearing President Mendoza on Suicides Reefs. Robal wrecks the lighthouse and sets up a false light on a barge. Steve helps Tracy capture some of Zarnoff’s men. Dick Tracy attempts to warn President Mendoza’s yacht.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 4 "The Enemy Strikes"

Zarnoff hits upon a plan to capture Tracy and his entire force of G-Men. Robal leaves Steve and Tracy to an old barge on the waterfront. Scott and the G-Men attack the barge from the dock. Dick Tracy and Steve board the barge from a motorboat.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 5 "Crack-up!"

Zarnoff plans a $2,500,000. train robbery. Steve accompanies the shipment of gold for Benzobia. Robal and his men tamper with the railroad track. Dick Tracy attempts to warn the train bearing the gold shipment.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 6 "Sunken Peril"

Zarnoff plans to remove stolen documents from a bell under the waters of the Norton Dam. Steve and Tracy surprise Zarnoff’s men and recover the documents. Robal wounds Steve as he is bringing Tracy up from the bell. Dick Tracy is trapped on the hoist beneath the water at Norton Dam.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 7 "Tracking the Enemy"

Zarnoff tries to ship valuable plans out of the country in a load of lumber. Steve and Tracy race to Bayside docks stop the shipment. Sandoval sends a gang of men to capture Steve and Tracy. dick tracy is knocked unconscious under a descending crane-load of lumber.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 8 "Chamber of Doom"

Zarnoff prepares to smuggle government airplane plans to the Three Towers. Robal picks up the plans at the Elite Fur store where they were photographed on pelts. Steve and Tracy question a suspect in a jewellery store next door. Dick Tracy decides to investigate a wet footprint leading to the Fur Store.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 9 "Flames of Jeopardy"

Robinson, Secret Service agent, brings news of Zarnoff via the Pan Pacific dirigible. Zarnoff perfects a plan to destroy the dirigible. Robel disguises two of his men as newsreel cameramen. Dick Tracy tries to save Robinson who is trapped in the burning dirigible.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 10 "Crackling Fury"

Zarnoff plants a false code message for the F.B.I to decipher. Robal prepares a trap for Dick Tracy at the hideout mentioned in the message. Steve and agents decode Zarnoff’s message. Dick Tracy and Steve decide to investigate the Smelter Plant.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 11 "Caverns of Peril"

Zarnoff and his men hide in the ghost town Quartzite. Steve drives Tracy and the G-men to town. Robal spies on the G-men as they search the abandoned building’s. Dick Tracy discovers a tunnel leading to Zarnoff’s store of dynamite.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 12 "Fight in the Sky"

Dick tracy and Professor Guttenbach set a trap for Zarnoff with a fake formula. Zarnoff hires a human fly to steal the formula from the laboratory. Robal arranges to have an autogyro pickup the formula from the roof of the storage building. Steve and Tracy race to the laboratory when the alarm sounds.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 13 "The Fatal Ride"

Anderson, F.B.I. chief, arrives at Tracy’s western headquarters. Tracy reviews the progress of the Zarnoff case to date. Zarnoff arranges for a message calling Anderson and Tracy to the penitentiary. Robal plants one of his men and a taxi in front of the Federal Building. Steve, Anderson and Tracy leave for the penitentiary in a taxi.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 14 "Getaway"

Anderson, F.B.I. chief, arrives at Tracy’s western headquarters. Tracy reviews the progress of the Zarnoff case to date. Zarnoff arranges for a message calling Anderson and Tracy to the penitentiary. Robal plants one of his men and a taxi in front of the Federal Building. Steve, Anderson and Tracy leave for the penitentiary in a taxi.

Dick Tracy's G-Men - Ep 15 "The Last Stand"

As Tracy is in hot pursuit behind the car of Zarnoff and Robel, they release a black smoke, blinding Tracy. Unable to see, Dick’s speeding car crashes through a guard rail and goes over the cliff…